Is Boxing day the perfect day to buy a car?

Is Boxing day the perfect day to buy a car?

In North America generally, the best time to purchase yourself a new ride would ideally be at the end of the year, quarter or month. You can also tie it to the outlook of the car model, its year, or its design cycle. The question we seek the answer for is boxing day the perfect day to buy a car?   

At the end of the year, most dealerships look to reach their end of the year sales quotas by offloading cars. Moreover, they want to make space for the incoming models for the new year.  


Best Month to purchase a new car? 


As mentioned above, the end of the year is generally the best time to purchase a new car. In fact, December is probably the best time to look for a brand-new pair of wheels to hit the road.  

While October and November are generally the months with the most discounts available, December features the highest discount month with accessory benefits from certain dealerships.  

One key factor about December is that dealers are looking to sell their excess inventory. It’s also the month that employees are given their annual bonus.  

Therefore, the pressure to sell is higher, as the more cars a salesperson sells, the better their numbers are, in time for their end-of-year bonus. 


Why is Boxing day or Boxing week the perfect time to buy a new car? 


Boxing week falls from the 26th of December until the 2nd of January, which is one of the best times to get a new car. December is one of the busiest months of the year for sales of new cars and pre-owned cars as well. 

When consumers are shopping for gifts and preparing for the holidays, December may seem like an unusual month to buy a vehicle.  

However, when you consider the hundreds or thousands of dollars in savings available in December, purchasing a new vehicle in this timeframe makes a lot of sense. 

The deluge of holiday-themed car advertising that is already emerging demonstrates that most major automobile manufacturers are very eager to close the year on a successful note.  

Manufacturers aren’t the only ones striving to meet year-end sales targets. New car dealers are also motivated to reach monthly and annual sales targets, as year-end bonuses and bragging rights are on the line. 


The best surprise for a loved one during the festive period 


Consider purchasing a new automobile as a gift for someone you care about. Over the years, our company has presented numerous vehicles as “gifts” to sons, daughters, spouses, and partners. Sure, they’re tough to wrap, but we promise, those receiving them won’t mind. 

Boxing Week is an excellent opportunity to visit your local new car dealership to purchase a gift for the auto enthusiast on your holiday shopping list. Perhaps, you also would just like to treat yourself after a stressful year!


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