Car rental website design ideas

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Car rental website design ideas

We discussed how to create a website for your car rental business, but the design aspect is just as important as the functionality of the website. Here you will find what design elements should be incorporated to make your website eye-catching and easily accessible to customers.

Your website should be able to easily present the activity on the website, things like button placement, links, menus are extremely important in making sure your business runs smoothly. In today’s world digital is the way forward for any business, so let’s see what design ideas you can include for your car rental business.

Structural layout

It is important to understand visual hierarchy when planning out your website. How many websites out there have multiple buttons and drop-down menus cluttered all over, you don’t want your website to look like that.

It is all about position, sizes, visuals, and contrast. You want the visitor’s eye to go to the right place and that is done by placing important features on the top of the page for example and placing eye-catching visual content along with text and other elements surrounded by whitespace instead of being clustered together.

If done correctly it will guide a visitor’s eye through a series of messages and finally to the call of action.

Length of the page allows better engagement

Think about how tall you want your first page to be, have as much information on there as possible (without clutter) as that means your potential customer doesn’t have to keep clicking elsewhere to get to what they want. This will help increase engagement and keep the visitor’s attention where you want it to be.

Minimal is the way to go

As shown by research findings, minimal designs with more white spacing were perceived as beautiful by website visitors. Keep things simple and use elements like color, button placement, and headings simple and classic.

You want your potential customers to easily find your services, and engage with the website as quickly as possible instead of wasting time looking for the right menu and reading through a lot of jargon before being able to place a reservation.

Stick to the standard layout

More often than not, people assume that doing something entirely different would bring in more visitors and increase engagement on their website, however that is not the case. Simple and standard always work best.

Follow the standardized layout structures, for example, the logo should be placed in the top left corner, main navigation within the header, call to action at the top, social media icons in the footer, etc. This is because visitors to your website instinctively know where to look, as almost all websites on the web follow this layout.

Evidence and proof

An important tool for car rental businesses is to include customer feedback, and other companies you may have collaborated with, such as credit card companies for example. This shows potential customers that your business is reliable.

Add as much social proof as possible, but don’t create a separate testimonials page. It is better to add these on your service pages, carefully place them where it will easily catch the customer’s eye.


2020 web design trends

Designing a car rental website may be tricky, however, the following trends may help boost your business.

  1. Micro-interactions

These allow the user to have a surprising human interaction with your site and services. Things like a little beep when a page refreshes, a notification ping, hover and scrolling animations, etc. Incorporating some of these to your website will help make it look and feel smarter to the user, as well as allow them to be involved in your site.

  1. Solid frames

Minimalism is a rising trend in design, and having a solid white frame around certain elements will help them stand out to users.

  1. 3D elements

Adding 3D elements to your site will make it look more immersive and interactive to the user. And this would work well with car rental websites.

  1. Dark mode

This is probably an era-defining design aspect, and is on the rise, with Instagram and Twitter also allowing users to use dark mode as a visual option.

  1. Minimalistic navigation

Drop-down menus and website buttons are soon becoming very minimal and this is the way to go if you want to be on-trend.

The overall trends are shifting towards futuristic design styles, with 3D becoming a major trend in design as well incorporating AR Technology into apps and websites, your options for creating a unique yet functional, user-friendly website are endless.

Just keep things simple but innovative, whilst also remembering to make it convenient for your future customers. Will you be incorporating any of these ideas for your website?

Looking for the right team to work on your website? Navotar specializes in state of the art, innovative web design solutions for car rental businesses. For more information visit our website



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